Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday, September 27

Montrose, Co.
Another blue sky morning. Carol fixed a wonderful breakfast for everyone this morning, sour dough waffles, bacon, strawberries and cantaloupe. After breakfast we went downtown to the Farmers Market. Carol did find a few things to buy, beans, corn and some very neat wine glasses. After the market we visited Russell Stover, needless to say we both found plenty to buy here. Later in the afternoon we to drove up to Olathe, Co. and toured the Mountain Meadow winery just west of there. They also had a huge orchard so we picked some delicious Fugi apples. After we returned to Montrose we all went out for Italian food at a local favorite. Everyone was ready to turn in early because we leave tomorrow. We have had a wonderful time in Montrose and have thoroughly enjoyed the company of our new "Creeker" friends. Montrose's Centennial park downtown. The turquoise tiles represent the Gunnision river and it's direction of flow

Carol making a purchase at the Farmers Market.
Loads of fresh produce.Inside Russell Stover factory store. WARNING! enter at your own risk. Mini golf course at RV park.

Carol picking apples.

I've found a tree loaded with large Fugi apples.

One of the wildest things I've ever seen. Look at both photos of this motorcycle (?) closely. Elk and deer antlers, Sheep head with horns, mountain lion head, coyote head, bear head, Bobcat head, the head of an alligator and much more. I didn't hang around to see the owner but he must be a dandy.

Siesta time at the orchard, two dogs were asleep and notice the little kitten on the chair.

I couldn't resist this shot of the little kitten sound asleep.

1 comment:

Lana Trussell said...

I would have loved to have seen the person who drives that bike! Wow! Just when you thought you have seen everything!! Wow!!!!