Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday, September 14

Santa Fe, NM.

Not much happening today, except just more gorgeous weather. We left Cortez around 9:30 this morning. Drove down to Shiprock, Farmington and Bloomfield. Filled up in Bloomfield, diesel was 3.85 a gallon. A long drive down to I25, then north to Santa Fe. After we were all set up at our RV park we drove around Santa Fe for a while, confusing, streets seem to go in circles and all the homes, businesses, every structure seems to be adobe. It's hard to pick out any landmarks, no tall buildings. We did stumble on a very good restaurant, the "Copa de Oro", cup of gold, stopped by a grocery store for a few things, then we've just taken it easy this evening. We plan on touring historical Santa Fe tomorrow.

My co-pilot, photographer didn't take any pictures on the trip from Cortez to Santa Fe so pictures are limited today.

The fruit of the Pinion Pine tree.
Here are several pinion nuts. We used to eat these all the time when we were kids. I wanted to get these photographed because I know they won't be hanging there long. You break open the brown shell and the treat is inside. Indians used to eat these as a major source of protein. Our table at "Copa de Oro".
My large burrito filled with chicken,beans and spices, surrounded and topped green chiles and cheese. With rice and veggies on the side. Very wasn't bad either.The arrowhead I found in the little wash close to a Indian ruin.

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