Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, September 10


This morning we took it easy, didn't make any big plans for today. After I completed some projects on the Creek (our fifth wheel) we headed for Shiprock and Farmington, NM. . We stopped first at Towaoc, Co., headquarters of the Ute Indian Nation. No need to plan a stop here if you're ever visiting the area, unless you're a Ute Indian looking for medical help or government assistance of some sort. On to Shiprock, several Navajo legends surround this magnificent formation but actually it is a volcanic core. From what I can remember growing up here as a kid it is also home to many reptiles, specifically rattlesnakes. Trading posts and independent concessionaires were numerous along the highway. Leaving Shiprock we headed to my old stomping grounds, Farmington, NM. It was amazing when I found the trailer court where we lived. It was an emotional experience when I saw some of the same areas my brothers and our friends would chase away the outlaws on our imaginary horses with our pistols blazing or some of the areas where we built our indestructible army forts. We drove down to main street traveling pretty much the same route we used as kids. We parked on main street, WOW! the two theatres are still here,but both are closed . There's the same old pool hall where I learned to play snooker, a few old guys in the back playing cards. We walked down into the next block, there it was, Joe's Barber Shop, sign on the door said closed but by seeing that the barber pole had been taken down and after looking in the window I knew closed meant for good. I asked the lady in the office next to Joe's if she knew who owned it and she said she did. I told her my story, she was very polite and unlocked the door to Joe's so I could walk through the door again. She was very nice and told me to take as much time as I needed and if there was anything I may want just to let her know. Well, the only thing I may have wanted was already gone. I had a couple of jobs growing up as a kid and the one loved the most and where I learned the most about people and running a business was shining shoes at Joe's Barber Shop. Joe allowed me and one of my close friends, Henry Carter, to shine shoes in his barber shop. We basically ran our own business, Joe supplied the chairs and we were responsible for all own supplies. All Joe required of us was to be there when we were supposed to be there and to sweep his floor and clean the bathroom. We made pretty good money for a couple of kids. I worked at Joe's with Henry until my family moved to Wyoming. In another month all signs of Joe's will be gone, the building is being remodeled. What a trip through the past! Leaving Farmington I kept thinking of my years as a kid growing up here and my parents and how we didn't have much back then, but times were still great.

We took a different route back to Cortez, going north out of Farmington and coming out about 20 miles west of Durango, we then headed west to Cortez. We plan on going back to Mesa Verde tomorrow.

A tour bus with German tourists. Popped out on the sides, curtains pulled around all the windows and everyone slept on the bus. Pretty cozy. Carol thought this was a pretty plush tent camper.
The flowers around the campground are just beautiful, someone puts in a lot work to keep these up.

Indian tepees at sunset at the campground.
Shiprock, just south of Shiprock, NM.Joe's Barber Shop. Some days we would shine shoes outside where the bench is.
This picture will mean absolutely nothing to anyone but me. This wall is where Henry and I had our shoe shine chairs.

Beautiful rainbow Carol shot on our way back to Cortez. I really like this shot, Carol gets lucky every now and then.

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

Hey guys.....Glad to see that you are having a great time! Loved the photos. I'd forgotten to look at your blog for a few days, so will have to do some catching up. Great shot of Carol's "rear"! LOL Bet she loved you for that one. Looks like a shot that Mark would take of me. Mark would never be able to do that crawl! I loved the rainbow. I caught a photo of a rainbow up at the lake that dumped right onto the top of the Creek. Rainbows are so cool! We've also been to the four corners years ago when we once took a plane trip to Las Vegas. Took a bus tour out to the area. I remember that we bought a lotto ticket at that store. Back then, it wasn't as easy to come by a lotto ticket as it is now. Store still looks pretty much the same as it did then years ago. Your pictures are fantastic. We sure miss you guys. Hope to see you both again next Spring! Have safe travels in your Creek.
Mark and Sandy