Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 1

4 Wheeling in Lewis & Clark National Forest
A few days ago a I went 4 wheeling with a long time friend of mine. We went to an area at Marias Pass on Highway 2, just south of Glacier Park and bordering the Great Bear Wilderness area. The trail head begins at a state campground at Marias Pass. There are over a 100 miles of trails that are open to 4 wheelers (not more than 48" wide, built to be straddled and are steered with handle bars). Riding our Polaris 4 wheelers, we left in the morning and enjoyed a day long trip back into the forest.The fall colors were in full swing.
We crossed several creeks .......or maybe the same creek several times.

Several places along the trail, water had filled in the deep holes so it was difficult to determine what we were getting into. Here is Conrad coming through stretch of trail.
I took this photo while sitting in the middle of the creek.
Conrad on the trail and I'm bringing up the rear.
Aspens that had already dropped their leaves.
Good elk country, unfortunately we had seen fresh sign of wolves and heard from a couple of archery hunters that they had heard the wolf pack earlier that morning.
What a great view, we stopped here for a cup of coffee.
Forest service cabin, Badger Station, about 20 miles back in. Just northeast of the Great Bear Wilderness area.
Storage shack at the forest service cabin, notice the grizzly bear paw prints left on the wall. Over night a sow grizzly and a cub were trying to get into the storage shack.They must have been hitting the walls pretty hard to leave a mud paw imprint. On the corners of the door and walls you could see where they had pull off pieces of wood.

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

You guys are having just TOO MUCH FUN! Thanks for sharing.