Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 24

On Friday we toured DRV Luxury Suites factory. Very impressive, we like the Mobile Suites fifth wheel. The quality and construction far exceeds that of Cedar Creek and so does the price. Will we be in a Moblie Suites fifth wheel someday? It wouldn't surprise me. Carol was impressed with our names being flashed on reader board sign at the factory welcoming us and the Anderson's. After touring the factory we visited a local dealer.
Carol and Pam celebrating making it to day 2 by making margaritas. We enjoyed a BBQ and a relaxing evening and only ONE Margarita.
Windsor and I putting up screened awning.

Pam and her welcome mat.Windsor's Mikey lamp he made out of sewer pipe, fittings and round glass globes

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