Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Rally photos

Pretty fancy Dental office Carol spotted in Middlebury, In
Windsor opening ANOTHER bottle of wine.One of our many games of Mexican train. Windsor swatting at mosquitoes with his bug zapping tennis racket.
Mexican Train, but now it's serious.......Jack and Peg are here.

Hurry Pam......"pull my finger".
Pam posing with Mike from New York.
Sitting around the fire. Me with Amish cap the ladies picked it up at "Miller's Market", the neighborhood Amish market.
More campfire stories................The firewood is red oak that Jack had brought from home in Ohio.
Pam & Windsor, your Creek is gone.
Actually, just off to the factory for warranty work.
After a long day at the factory for warranty work, the ladies treat Windsor with a take out meal from El Camino Real (excellent Mexican food if you're ever in Goshen) and a Margarita.

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