Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Parting or party shots

I either have something in my eye or have had too much wine.
I'm not one told me they have earthquakes in Indiana....must be why the ground is moving. Thank you Carol for this "Kodak moment"

WOW! that was good wine..........
Ok!....where are the instructions for margaritas.

Sure, I'll put on that Amish knit hat, lay a bottle of wine on my chest and hold up 8 fingers for you. Is this a sobriety test?

Does anyone know this lady?
Hey look what I learned while sampling wines.........make my initials with my fingers.
The infamous "Sewer mucker"
Two the attendees signed up for the "sewer mucker" seminar......unfortunatley or maybe fortunately, the instructor Jack, forgot his hazmat gear.

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