Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Garden Wall Hike, Glacier National Park

On Friday, September 11 we hiked along the Garden Wall. Starting at Logan Pass you hike along the sheer cliff trails, then along the Garden Wall, alternating through dense alpine vegeatation, steep rocky slide areas and through open subalpine meadows. We hiked to the pass behind Haystack Butte, approx. 4 miles one way, enjoyed a snack and took in the breath taking scenery. The views from this trail are unbelievable. Put this hike on your "Bucket List".  I only wish I had two sets of eyes, one to watch the trail and the other to enjoy this place that only God and nature could have created.

A shot Carol took of the Livingston Mtn. range from the trail. Carol is becoming quite the photographer with her new camera.

Photographing a bighorn ram on the trail.                                        
Looking down to vallley floor from the trail. It was a long drop off the edge.

Along the trail heading back to Logan Pass.

Carol & I taking a break along the trail, Mt. Reynolds in the background.

I'm standing on a small snow field at the pass behind Haystack Butte. This is silhouette shot I took of Carol, we were on a rocky point above the trail.

Behind Haystack Butte we saw a couple of mountain goats in this area. Over that rock ledge you can see Grinnell Glacier. Note the cloud formations.

Sub-alpine buttercups, alpine paintbrush, bluebells, alpine forget-me-not and more mountain flowers adorned the meadows and trail

We saw several bighorns along our hike.

You can see in this photo how narrow the trail is in some places. It's a good thing I'm so skinny. That pass off in the distance was our destination and turn around point.

A couple of trail shots, the first is approx. halfway to Haystack Butte and the other is just leaving Logan Pass.


58readytotravel said...

Great photos Steve and Carol. Sure wish that we could have made the rally. I sure do need to update my blog! So many new things have happened. I've missed posting so many summer happenings. Maybe I can get caught up when the cold weather starts up. Today it is 73 and the next two days are supposed to be great. Alas, summer is winding down.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome pictures! I can't believe how narrow that path gets! Wow!! You guys were really on TOP OF THE WORLD on this hike! You can see so much more from the trails VS the Red Motor Coach!
Wondering how many more hikes you can take before "winter" settles in.