Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mini Rally at Fairmont, Part 2

On Saturday, Jack (Windsor and I owe him for this), Peg, Carol and Pam went to Deerlodge and toured the Historical Montana State Penitentiary, Car museum and a little shopping. Windsor and I journeyed to the Big Hole river for a little fly fishing. On Sunday we went to the Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historical Site. Carol and I have drove by the Ranch a 100 times and never stopped, I'm glad we did this time. We spent the entire afternoon touring this wonderful and historical site. Sunday evening Windsor and Jack fired up the Dutch Oven and we all enjoyed another fantastic dinner.
Pam & Carol in one of the cells at the old State Pen. They were lucky Windsor and I weren't with them...the door may have accidentally closed.
Windsor fly-fishing the Big Hole. We had fair success, 3 or 4 browns and a couple rainbows. I had one brown that was over 15". While fishing one spot we had a visitor. A Black Bear probably 30 feet from me entered the river, swam to the other side and scampered up the hill side.
The ladies looking at a new time share.

The bunk house at the Grant-Kohrs Ranch.
Of course, Windsor and I could find the chuckwagon.

Group picture, L to R, Steve(the tall good looking one), Windsor(W the Cook), Pam(Pamela after 5:00 PM), Carol(my partner and co-pilot), Jack(the fireman) and Mrs. Peg.
W was looking at that nice RV behind us.
It's a good thing Windsor has a second career, I don't think he'll make it as a cowboy.
The 9000 sq. foot ranch home that is still amazingly beautiful after over 140 years.

Pam in the flower garden started by Augusta Kohrs over 100 years ago.

"W" back at the RV park, margarita in hand, new hair piece on and "Pondering"
The bartender making margaritas.

Windsor and Jack getting the Dutch Oven ready to cook Sunday evenings great dinner.
MMMM....MMMM good, marinated flank steak cooked in the Dutch Oven and Peg's delicious corn casserole and of course a wee bit of the grape.
The sad part of any rally, the good bye's and heading home.
At the RV park all of us hooked up and ready to go our separate ways.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great memories! After leaving Fairmont, we went to Yellowstone. I met the artist who painted on a 9" Christmas Tree bulb all the features of Grant-Kohr's Ranch. The Christmas of 2007 was a National Park theme. Small world! She lives in MT and I cannot find her "card" to tell you her name. Life is Good as I look at all these great pictures! Pam & W