Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We left Wednesday morning on another journey. Looking out the window I can see winter hasn't left us yet. After fixing a 12 volt problem on the fifth wheel (our new home), we finally hit the road. South to Missoula then I90 to Billings. We plan on staying 2 nights in Billings visiting Ryan, Tricia & Drew.
Heading up Homestake Pass...........Yippee!...... no snow
We pass this truck hauling this huge raft combo aluminum river or some kind of water craft. It was probably 30 feet long and had 3, yes 3, 300 horse power Mercury outboards on the back. WOW! that thing will haul.
This was our view most of the way. Low visibility, snow or rain and HIGH winds. We had to make an unexpected stop in Anaconda for fuel. I think we would have ran out if I had tried to make
 it to Rocker(Butte).

Surprise! 3" of snow this morning (Thursday) and it's still snowing.
More tomorrow!

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