Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mount Rainer National Park, August 24, 2011

On Wednesday we journeyed to Mount Rainer National Park. WOW! what beauty and inspiration. I could spend days here. The forests, meadows, glaciers, wild flowers (spectacular), water falls and the vast scenic wonders of this majestic volcano of been preserved for us all to see and experience. Our 5th National Park, designated in 1899.
If you haven't been here you definitely need to plan a visit. I'll be returning for sure.

 Gigantic evergreens
Wild berries grow everywhere.

 Wildflowers are abundant and breathtakingly beautiful.

 There was a halo of clouds covering the peak of Mount Rainer most of the day.

 Bear grass in bloom.

Water flows from the snow fields producing roaring water falls and cascades 

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