Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Safeco field, August 26

Friday night we went to a ball game. Mariners lost 4 to 2 to the Chicago White Sox. We had a wonderful time and shared an order of Garlic Fries.
Speaking of baseball, how about those Montana Little Leaguers. WOW! great job guys.

From the North parking lot, CentruryLink Stadium home of the Seahawks. Just next door is Safeco field, home of the Mariners.

Safeco field, a very nice facility. Now if only the Mariners would get going.
Mariners out in the field and White Sox at bat.

Ichiro......striking out.

Regardless of the outcome we always enjoy an evening at Safeco field.

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