Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Monday, September 12, 2011

Billings and on the road to Laramie

The day before we had planned on leaving for Billings I break a tooth. Dr.Mike met us at 7:00 AM at his office. After removing the nerves from the root of the tooth and giving me a temporary fix we hit the road. The tooth work will be continued when we return.
What a beautiful day to be driving to Billings.

 Dr. Mike working on my tooth............or my half a tooth.
 Salmon Lake
 Stopped at Salmon Lake
 Crazy Mountains in the background. Originally called the "Crazy Woman" Mountains after a woman that went insane and run away from the early settlers wagon train. The indians called the mountains "Crazy Woman"  mountains after the insane woman. Woman was dropped later.
 Tricia and I with our shared birthday cake. Drew is helping blow out the candles
 Drew and I at the pool. I call this photo "Trust".
 The Platte River southwest of Casper, Wyoming.
An Antelope hurried across the highway in front of us. This is along the "Sand Creek Massacre Trail". The trail follows the path of the Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne in the years after the disgraceful "Sand Creek Massacre".
 The original "Virginian" Hotel in Medicine Bow, Wyoming.

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