Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yellowstone, first couple of days

After setting up we toured all the tourist shops in West Yellowstone and stopped by the local grocery store. The next day we awoke to clouds, rain and cool weather. Forecasts says it supposed to change tomorrow and then be nice for the rest of our stay. We visited Old Faithful and made several stops and side trips on the way. Even with the bad weather we enjoyed our day.

 Bull Elk and his harem relaxing along the Madison River.
 Another Buffalo, I was trying to get a shot with him looking straight at me but you don't want to get to close to these guys.
 Geyser pool enroute to Firehole Lake.

Old Faithful......not quite as faithful as it used to be.

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