Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yellowstone Park, Water & Wildlife Part 1

Today we explored the Norris Junction to Madison area of the park. I was concentrating on finding some small creeks, cascades and water falls to shoot. As a bonus we ran into another old bull bison and a bull elk with his small harem. Since the elk rut is in progress I'm hoping to find a couple of bulls fighting.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do finding the subjects and taking the shots.

 A nice section of cascades on the Gibbon River
 Gibbon Falls
 Headwaters of the Gibbon River.
 The beginning of the Madison River.
 Nice shot of this old bull. The white spot is his tongue.
 Nice bull elk grunting. Trying to impress the cows without much success.
Oh! my nose itches.

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