Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013

The following are an assortment of my photos to test our hot spot. I'm hopeful this works out so I can once again post photos and details of our adventures
A moment with a butterfly in the Cascade mountains

Hey Pam and you remember this place?

The flowers of Pike Street Market

You usually see this full and roaring with water, Avalanche Gorge in G.N.P. 

1000's of people drive over this creek without seeing it's beauty.

A final resting place

A day with a snowy owl

Whose backyard is this?

Sunrise over the Flathead Valley

A winter day at Lake MacDonald in G.N.P

Cannon Beach, Oregon coast

Desolation in Canyonlands N.P.

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