Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yuma Territorial Prison & more

July 1, 1876, the first 7 inmates entered the Territorial Prison at Yuma and were locked into the new cells they had built themselves. This began the legend of the Yuma Territorial Prison. A total of 3069, prisoners, including 29 women, lived within the walls during the prison's 33 years of operation. 129 prisoners died, trying to escape, execution, disease, accidents and even 2 from snake bite.
Double left click to enlarge photos.

Guard tower, original location and design

Panoramic shot from guard tower looking north

Gatling gun

Inmate being photographed, OH! that's Carol.
 It is the same way they photographed prisoners. The mirror fit above your shoulder, this way with one photograph they could see both sides of your face and profile. 

The inside wall
One of the cells, 3 small beds on each bunk. 6 prisoners per cell. One relief pot to share and one book shelf. Nice.

Walking down one of the cell rows

Inside the dark hole looking out. Where prisoners were chain to the floor and left for days for punishment. One prisoner spent close to 140 days,  no sun, only movement was as far as your chained reached. 

Kind of eerie being inside a cell

The location on the Colorado where 1000's crossed seeking a new life, adventure, escape.

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