Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, May 22

Goshen, Indiana

This morning was beautiful, clear sky's and no breeze and feels like it will be a warm one, at least warmer than it's been.
He got up early and had the Creek to the factory around 8:15 AM. Covered the issues with the
Cedar Creek service manger and we went and had breakfast at Tiffany's. Carol said she always wanted to have breakfast at Tiffany's. The food and service is probably better at this Tiffany's in Topeka, Indiana. After breakfast we drove to a farmers market near Nappenee and then to Amish Acres. We met a real nice couple at the market and had a nice visit. As we were driving around today Carol kept naming the RV production facilities. Everyone and everything that has anything to do with RV industry is here. When we returned to Goshen we checked into our motel (courtesy of Cedar Creek). Then went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Goshen, of course it's the only one we've ate it. It's better than anything we have at home and they make dandy Margaritas.
Back to the room and fired up the computer. Carol checked her email and called her sister to find out about the tornado's in Wyoming and Colorado. Sounds like everyone is OK.
Carol is sound a sleep. I'm pounding on the computer and watching the basketball game. Hopefully our trailer will be ready by the end of the day tomorrow, we plan on taking off for Kentucky Saturday morning.

Smoke stack at the Bag Factory
Very old buildings converted into classy little stores.
The building on the grassy knob was built in 1869
The old train tracks and station on the left. The station and the Bag Factory on the right are full of little stores, furniture, crafts, quilting and more
Amish Acres
Both of these old buildings at Amish Acres were built for homes by the Amish in the 1850's Very interesting little building on main street in Goshen. The windows had bullet proof glass(?) with gun turrets and the black dome on top is fitted with gun turrets on all sides. In the 30's the Lincoln memorial highway went through Goshen right by this little building. The gangsters of the 30's used this route to go to and from Chicago. The police would be heavily armed in the building and would open fire on any gangsters and/or bootleggers heading to Chicago.

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

I see that you guys had another interesting day. Looks like you have been keeping yourselves busy while the creek is in the shop. I see that you are leaving out Sat. morning. Mark was going to call you tomorrow....Sat. Maybe I should tell him to give you a shout tonight. He wants to find out the low down of the factory work and see how you guys are doing.
Have fun!