Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday & Saturday, June 14 & 15

Billings, Montana

Friday Carol spent most of the day and evening at the convention. I spent my time with Ryan and Tricia, tree shopping. After finding our trees, Quaking Aspens and a Chinesse Elm, Ryan and I began digging holes. The ground is very rocky with hard clay so we dug out larger holes and filled with garden soil when placing the trees. Around 6 PM we had the trees planted, staked and soaked with water. Time for a beer. I made it back to the KOA about 8:30 PM. Carol called for her chauffeur to come and pick her up around 9:30 so downtown I went to pick her up at the convention.
Saturday I dropped Carol off at the convention around 7:00 AM. Ryan, Tricia and Drew came down to the RV park picked me up and we went to the Strawberry festival. Basically a large farmers/flea market with a Strawberry theme. We walked a around for a couple of hours. Drew really enjoyed the live music, every time we stopped to listen to one of the live groups entertaining, Drew would start rocking back and forth to the beat of the music. It was pretty cute. Only purchase was a new hat for Drew, which he actually seemed to enjoy wearing. We left the festival downtown and went for lunch at "Hot Wings". Spent most of the rest of the day at Ryan & Tricia's house watching Tiger at the U.S.Open trying to pick up a few pointers for my golf game........yea right! Picked Carol up around 10:00 PM she was exhausted. She had planned on going right to bed but when we got to the trailer and turned on the TV the Grand Ole Opry was on GAC and it happened to be one we were at so we watched and saw us several times in the audience. Bill and I had on Jim Beam straw hats so you could pick us out quickly in the crowd, plus we had great seats only 8 rows back from the center of the stage. We enjoyed watching the Opry, brought back fond memories.
One of the trees we planted
Drew checking out the vacuum
Bad hair day after a nap
Drew walking behind his little push cart
Drew watching Sammi in the back yard

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