Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sunday & Monday, June 15 & 16

Billings, Montana & Home

Sunday morning we got up early and I took Carol up to the convention center. I spent the rest of my morning reading the paper and going for a long walk with Mitzee. After I picked up Carol around noon we went to Ryan and Tricia's house. We spent the afternoon there and enjoyed a barbecue, playing with Drew and Carol inspected our tree planting project. Tonight will be the last night in the 5th wheel until our next trip. Monday morning we packed up, emptied all the tanks, hooked up and headed for Kalispell. Made one last stop at McDonalds for breakfast. Where would we be if we had no McDonalds, Subway and Cracker Barrel? Our favorite stops stops while traveling and not necessarily because of the fine cuisine but for the convenience.
We were really surprised with all the snow we saw driving west on I90 heading home. Stopped in Butte for Diesel ($4.47 a gal.) and started our final leg home. We made it home around 6:00 PM, it's nice to be home but we could have stayed out longer. We already miss all of our new friends and look forward to our next trip especially next years national rally trip.
Mr. Andrew McGuire (Drew)

Drew and grandpa on the couch. Notice the stubbly on my chin.

Drew beating on dad
I90 between Billings and Laurel. Cenex refinery and Beartooth mountains in the background
Beartooth mountain range....WOW! look at all that snow
I90 coming down the west side of Bozeman pass

I90 Homestake pass just east of Butte
Heading north towards Kalispell on 93
Mission Mountains along highway 93 south of Kalispell and Flathead lake
Flathead Lake
Standing on our deck once we got home, Ashley creek down below, Kalispell over the ridge, Swan mountain range in the background and the peaks of Glacier park through the valley.
Front of the house, the Creek is in the driveway all cleaned up, waxed and I'll put her away in the storage garage in a day or two.
Can't wait until our next trip.

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

It was certainly wonderful to have you guys stop in at our place this summer. We look forward to hopefully another visit next year. Thanks so much for sharing your travels with those of us that are stuck at home!