Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, September, 8

Cortez, Co.

Cool but beautiful morning in Cortez. After we took care of some business in Cortez we took off for Four Corners National Monument. Just south of Cortez are the Sleeping Ute Mountains, they're supposed to look like a Ute chief a sleep on his back........I didn't see it. Four Corners sure has changed since the last time I was here, 45 years ago. Back then there was no pavement, only a large chunk of concrete with a bronze plate in the middle and no concessions. The Navajo and Ute tribes are sure set up to take your money. Our only purchase was another magnet for our growing collection. Our next stop was a couple of trading post on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, Teec Nos Pos and Red Mesa. We made purchases at both, Carol found a good deal on wool yarn at the Red Mesa TP. After leaving Red Mesa we journeyed northwest back into Utah to the"Valley of the Gods", a smaller version of Monument Valley. We traveled 20 miles of dirt road, up and down, around and through old washes. It was worth the drive. The beautiful Cedar Mesa red sandstone monoliths, pinnacles and other geological features are enchanting marvels of the southwest. After we were back on the highway we slowly headed back to Cortez. The area around Bluff, Utah is inviting. The large bluffs bordering the San Juan river is like an oasis in the desert.
Back in Cortez we enjoyed dinner at the Main Street Brewery.
Carol standing in 4 states.

The center of Four Corners.
Red Mesa trading post in Arizona on the Navajo reservation.
The beginning of our trek through the "Valley of the Gods"

Spectacular scenery.
The red sand stone pinnacles standing guard.
Battleship Rock and Rooster Butte

After chasing this guy all along a rock ledge, I think I finally got him to smile. Can you see his smile? This lizard which I haven't identified yet was about a foot long and ran with his head up. I enjoy chasing reptiles and other creatures in the desert, Carol hates it.

Looks like a Mexican Hat.........hence the name, Mexican Hat Rock. Amazing how it stays balanced on the mound.

Mexican Hat rock from a distance.

Typical village in the Navajo Nation. This was "small water". Should have been named, no water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve & Carol---
WOW--looks like fantastic scenery. Windsor & I have Moab on our list for sometime when we travel in September out West. Glad you are "on the road" and having such fun. Glad to see Carol standing in 4 states!! Not everyone can do that. Long ago (back in the 70's) I traveled and out west and stood in the 4 states. Hope you guys are "toasting the Anderson's" as you travel around. Wish we were with you---Pam & Windsor