Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21

Durango, Co.
We left Santa Fe this morning and headed for Durango. We had a wonderful time in Santa Fe and the surrounding area. Even though we both enjoyed the area, we don't feel we could live here. We drove up to Espanola again and then journeyed up highway 84 to Colorado. What a beautiful drive! We just took our time an enjoyed the drive. We arrived at the Durango KOA and got set up. I need to clean up the Creek a little. We had one good thunder shower on our way up and it was right in the middle of road construction, so we have a little New Mexico mud on the Creek. Toured downtown Durango, enjoyed dinner and then returned to the park. Carol did some laundry and I watched the football game.This is our winner of the best Mexican food we had in Santa Fe, and we had plenty. The Tecolote Cafe, we saw this restaurant featured on the Food Channel. We were not disappointed. If you go to Santa Fe and enjoy GOOD authentic Mexican food then you must eat here. They only serve breakfast and lunch, don't worry, that is plenty. They close at 2 PM everyday. The GPS made it much easier to find, it's kind of hidden. Second was Copa de Oro and then The Ore' House in the Plaza downtown. These were our top three but all the Mexican food we had was very good.
This my breakfast, A Tecolote breakfast burrito, eggs with all sorts of good things mixed in, sausage and green chili's inside the large tortilla, smothered with green and red chili, cheese, local pinto beans. I didn't leave hungry. Carol had a "Shepard's Pie" red and green chili with two eggs on top. She cleaned up her plate. It is very warm but you can have them hold back on the chili, or you can take it with both barrels. It still isn't uncomfortably hot. Some of the huge pine trees at Bandelier National Monument. These were as big as any trees I've ever seen in Montana. Carol to took this picture, she thought it was really cute. Look close it says DEAF and the arrow points to the "School for the Deaf". HAHAHAHA....she is sooooo funny! Back to more red sand stone along Highway 84 close to the "Ghost Ranch".
The beautiful mountains of the Carson National Forest near Chama.
Same mountain range, just further up the road.
Close to the Colorado border.
Chimney Rock west of Pagosa Springs.

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