Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 25

Christmas MorningDrew likes the paper more than his toys.

I think Cooper must have gotten the game he wanted.
Aidan and his "Bakugan" game.
Tonya and Ryan, Christmas morning.
Tonya and Tricia opening packages.
Drew playing with one new toy and sitting on another.
Aidan must be impressed with Coopers box of baseball cards.Noah patiently waiting for Dad to fix his new Batman car.
Noah and his collection of Batman and Star Wars vehicles and figures.
Cooper checking out his new Nintendo "DS" game.
Come on Dad let me play with it.
Whew!.......all these new toys, I'm just exhausted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve & Carol--
Just read the email about all the snow--glad we only have 4" right now and it's melting. Checking the blog and found 12/25--Looks like a great Christmas morning! Why aren't the adults in their pj's like the kids? Hmm, must be afraid of their pictures being posted!! ha ha
And where are grandma & grandpa's Christmas morning pictures? We all look so adorable in the morning! Thinking of you both, Pam & Windsor