Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009

15" OF SNOW!
Right outside our front door. This is what we woke up to this AM!
This is looking at the front porch--opposite view. Pile of snow is about 6'!

Here Steve is with his 9 HP Craftsman snow blower. He was using the Polaris ATV with snow blade as well but the photographer didn't get any of those dynamic shots.HERE ARE STEVE AND BILL--THE DUELING PLOWS. NOW YOU SEE WHY THE CREEK IS IN BED FOR THE WINTER!

Bill and the Kubota!
The "Yellow Brick Road" that Steve plows between Bill and Metha's and our house.


58readytotravel said...

I just tried to make a post and it said error. I'll try again. Hope you guys stay warm. We will be thinking of you. Probably we will get hit with this same storm in a few days. Hopefully it will have lost some power by the time it crosses the country!

Anonymous said...

And just when Windsor & I were thinking how great it would be to come to Montana and visit you guys! We have now changed our mind. Shall wait for less snow! It looks beautiful and obviously one must stay indoors and enjoy the view from the fireplace! And we thought the weather in NE Ohio was bad. HA Bet you have blue sky and sunshine though while we have nothing but grey! P & W