Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A morning in Amish Country

Early one morning I got up and drove out into the country. I parked my truck at wide spot in the road and just started walking on the Amish country back roads. Here are a few of my favorite shots from that morning. Heading to Sunday service.

A nice looking little fishing hole. I sat here a while just to listen to the bull frogs.
A scene you'll see over and over.
Most of the homes are immaculate, kerosene tank, propane tank, clothes line, very neat well maintain square fencing and loads of flowers and gardens
Roads are everywhere and seem to go on forever.
Trees and fence border the phone shed. No phones are allowed in the house so they build these nice looking sheds and usually share the phone with neighbors.
Small group of goats I ran into. Looked like they all needed to be milked.
These monster bird condos are very popular. They must try to attract the birds to help keep insect activity down. With cows, horses and goats everywhere you're sure to have insects.
Flower gardens and arrangements are very pretty. I had one Amish lady invite to see the flowers at her home.
Typical landscape view in Indiana Amish country.
Plow horses coming for a drink
Purple iris with a phone shed in the background.
Amish farm. The country side and the Amish way of life seemed to be peaceful and serene.

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