Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A few last shots from our Spring trip

The quilt floral garden at the fairgrounds after a few of the flowers are starting to bud.
The clock tower at the fairgrounds.
One of the many flower beds at the fairgrounds. These folks sure take a lot a pride in the appearance of their county fairgrounds.Walking into Cabela's in Sidney, Nebraska.
The sculpture outside of Cabela's at Sidney.
Pulling into Buffalo, Wyoming. The Big Horn mountains are in the background.
Our campsite at KOA in Billings.

Walk across the road from our campsite and this was the view. Yellowstone river with the bluffs along the south side. Same way it look for the trappers, early settlers and the native Indians over a 100 years ago.
This heron stood in this same spot all night and most of the next day looking for a fish to swim by. They must not have much feeling in those spindly little legs, the water was very cold.

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