Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Seattle, October-1st, 2nd, 3rd

We spent 3 days in Kenmore/Bothell area visiting Tonya, Kent and the boys. Carol and I stayed with the boys a couple of evenings so TJ and Kent could go out. Then on Saturday we had a great time watching the boys and their soccer teams. The weather was just great for rain. We made our usual trip to Trader Joes and also took the boys to dinner one evening at Ruby's. The boys are big fans of their milkshakes. We left Sunday morning for Port Angeles.

On our way to Seattle and about to cross the Columbia river at Vantage, Washington on I90.
Anyone for a little thumb wrestling?

Cooper's soccer game

Cooper about to score.
Aidan's game
Very impressed with Aidan's kicks. I see why they wear shin guards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than watching the grandchildren performing! Looks like great memories and a gorgeous day!