Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010 Buffalo, Wy.

Today we left Billings around 10:30 AM and drove to Buffalo, Wy.. Set up the Creek (our fifth wheel) and went to visit with Carol's mother. After a nice visit we decided to go have dinner at the Winchester Steak House. Very nice dinner. In the morning we'll meet for breakfast then Carol and I will leave for Hill City , SD. Doesn't sound like the weather will be very nice. Oh Well!...could always be worse.

Grandma and Drew working on a puzzle.

Drew enjoying his chocolate donut.

Bighorn Battlefield south of Hardin, Mt. 
Little Big Horn River down below.

Well at least we finally see the sun. Buffalo, Wy. had over a foot of snow on Wednesday night.
Setting up home in Buffalo.
More down the road.


Ryan said...

great photo of Drew, can you send us a copy

Pam said...

This really looks like FUN-- setting up the Creek in snow! Sure hope you find better weather down the "road"!!!!
See you in KC-- Tinker Bell & Goofy