Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010 - Mt Rushmore, Hill City

Sunday was beautiful!.....Thank goodness, we finally had a nice day. Today, Monday morning however, is a another story. Raining and cool and no change in forecast until tomorrow morning. Today we plan on visiting a couple of wineries and a couple of stores Carol scouted out. Tuesday we'll hook up and head for Sioux City.
Visiting Mount Rushmore was and still is inspiring.  So much as changed it felt like it was my first visit. I feel the changes were for the good.
After leaving Mt. Rushmore we visited Crazy Horse. I respect the attraction and admire the artistry but my thoughts are this a commercial enterprise utilizing the legends of great Sioux Chief and hero of Native Americans. We won't see the completion of Crazy Horse in our life time or our grand childrens.

Carol at Mount Rushmore. Yes! that is blue sky.

These two photos were taken from the Presidential trail.

Looks like George is peeking around the corner.
Crazy Horse, the actual model. The mountain work is in the back ground

Goats near the parking lot.

Buffalo at Custer State Park

We'll try to stay dry today....more later!

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