Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Sioux City

We left the Black Hills of South Dakota in pouring rain, light snow flakes and poor visibility. After we're on I90 we made our first stop at Wall Drug. Although we were looking for some specific items we had a good time being tourists, enjoyed lunch and hit the road. We spent Tuesday night at Mitchell, SD. After getting the Creek (our fifth wheel for you non-Creekers)set up we had to go and tour Cabela's and naturally we found a couple of items we couldn't pass up. We left Cabela's filled up the truck with diesel and then found a nice Mexican restaurant. Yes, in South Dakota and yes in was pretty good. Not New Mexico level but pretty good for the north. After dinner Carol says she wants to go see the Corn Palace, to see what it looks like after dark. It looks like it does during the day except it's all lit up. After the Corn Palace we returned to the Creek. This morning we left Mitchell around 10:00 AM, rain and wind.......what's new? We stopped at a couple of nice rest areas and then stopped for the night in North Sioux City. Our first RV site we sunk in the mud and had to put truck in 4 wheel drive to pull out. The spot we have now is OK. South Dakota is flooding everywhere and is soaked. We visited the "Lewis & Clark" interpretive center here in Sioux City, very nice.
Tomorrow we'll make it to Kansas City now that the weather is supposed to start improving.

Top Photo is of course "Wall Drug".
Below is a little of the wildlife at Wall Drug.

Carol and new friend at Wall Drug. At least he won't argue with her.

Me with the saloon gal........she needs to get some more sun.

The "Cowboy Orchestra" singing Johnny Cash.

The "Corn Palace" at night

Lewis & Clark Interpretive center
Next posts will be from Kansas City.

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