Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17 - Kansas City

Saturday, we drove over to Cablea's. After a couple of hours of touring Cabela's we decided to try and find "Oklahoma Joe's" Barbecue. Thank goodness we had a GPS, we would have never found it. Even when the GPS said we were there I couldn't see it. Sitting at the intersection there was a Shamrock gas station on one corner and old grocery store and a couple of other older buildings. I noticed a small sign on the gas station and many cars. As we pulled in I noticed there was no parking, the place was packed, an employee happened to be outside and told me I could park out back. When we walked around the corner heading to the entrance the line was outside the building and down the side walk. After 45 minute wait, we ordered, got our order, set down and thoroughly enjoyed some great barbecue.
Mule Bronze outside Cabela's

World record Mule Deer

Very nice Bull Moose

The menu at "Oklahoma Joe's"

"Oklahoma Joe's" one of the 13 places you need to eat before you die.

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