Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday, May 9 - Mt Rushmore

Happy Mothers Day!

After enjoying breakfast at Carol's mothers home we hit the road for South Dakota. I enjoyed the drive, except for the wind. It was nice seeing the places and reminiscing of our youth, football games, school, work, family and places we used to park (I wonder if kids still park?).

Strip coal mining or excavating just east of Gillette.

The new and the old..... an old still functioning wind mill for a livestock water tank and in the background a coal train pulling into WyoDak coal mine to fill up cars of coal to transport to the west coast for export overseas.

Devastating forest fire in the Black Hills north of Custer, South Dakota

More remains of fire. New growth was abundant as well as mule deer.

Crazy Horse monument as seen from the highway. We plan on visiting today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, looks like you guys are visiting South Dakota! Glad to hear about your adventures and we hope that you have a great time.

Enjoy your visit!

Katlyn Richter
South Dakota Office of Tourism