Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dutch John, Utah

We left Rock Springs early Friday and 66 miles later we arrived in Dutch John. Dutch John was originally home to those that worked on the construction of the dam.The dam is on the Green River creating Flaming Gorge Reservoir.
We checked into to the RV park behind the Fly Shop, set up everything and went to Trout Creek Flies to get our licenses. Windsor and I went to the river to test the water. We fished a short stretch of river basically to kill some time. That evening we met up with our guide and his wife, Gene & Renee, and had dinner at the Flaming Gorge Resort.
The plan is to meet at 9:00 AM Friday and "Fish the Green". Carol and Pam are getting a personal tour of the dam and meeting Renee for some sight seeing of Flaming Gorge.
The weather report for Friday wasn't great but getting on the water was all that mattered.

I have photos to post when we get to an RV park with strong enough wifi to download my photo....

On the Green.
Carol & Pam with everyone's friend Ruby at Trout Creek Flies
Another shot of Flaming Gorge Carol took on their sight seeing trip.



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