Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, September 11, 2010

" Fishing the Green "

I have several photos I want to post when we get to an RV park with stronger wifi. My words cannot describe my experience "Fishing the Green" or the expert guidance and teachings of Gene Gautieri.

We met Gene at Trout Creek Flies at 9:00 AM, loaded up our gear and headed to the launch. We launched a short distance below the dam. Gene rigged up our rods with nymphs with a strike indicator. We were into fish right away as we were most of the day. I have never seen so many trout, the trout per mile must be one of the highest in the nation if not the highest. The scenery is remarkable but taking your eye off your fly or indicator to take in this magnificent canyon you may miss a fish.We floated 7 to 8 hours, that went by way to fast. Windsor and I both caught several fish, Rainbows and Browns and we missed several fish and lost a few. Floating through Red Canyon on the Green we went through several sets of rapids, then you'll slowly float through deep holes, shallow riffles and some of best looking water there is. Gene would row us back up river to fish several holes again and again. I learned more from Gene about trout & fly fishing in one day than the past 35 years of fishing. Gene is an expert angler, guide, teacher, a true professional. Thanks! W and Gene for a day to remember.
The weatherman missed on their forecast, the weather was beautiful, very little wind and sun most of the day.
After our trip down the Green I found myself immediately anticipating plans for my next trip.
Later we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and evening at Gene and Renee's home.
One of the several nice rainbows we caught.A nice hole on the Green

Another rainbow.

What a gorgeous river.

We caught several nice Browns and lost some to.

Gene at our take out spot.

Windsor getting ready.

Drifting down the Green

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

Hey! Have a wonderful time on your travels!!!! Miss seeing you guys. If you ever make it to our neck in the woods, let us know. We are putting a house on the lake lot, so who knows how much we will travel now. Great to see that Windsor and Pam are joining in the fun! Safe travels.....