Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Albuquerque - The Ladies Big Day

Bill and I were up early so we could get the ladies, Carol, Pam & Metha to their Balloon launch site. I'm very happy they did this trip they all had a wonderful and memorable time. The balloon ride was over an hour long. After their landing, souvenirs and the champagne, the drive back to the RV park seemed short with non stop stories and details. I'm pretty certain a good time was had by all..
For dinner we made our first visit to the Monte Carlo Steakhouse. The next morning we got up very early to get to the fair grounds for another mass ascension.
Photos below were taken by me on the ground and by Carol or Pam from their balloon.

Ready, set , we have a launch.........
The balloon with the stripes carried the crew we were interested in.
Away we go, second ballon up.

Up, Up & away.......

Must have a great view from up there.

Bill & I are two of the dots down there on the parking lot.

Balloons from the ascension at the fairgrounds.

Beautiful day and a beautiful ride.

Balloons touching the surface of the water on the Rio Grande and then lifting back up. Cool!
Celebrating a succesful and enjoyable balloon ride with a little champagne