Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carlsbad Caverns N.P.

After we checked in to our RV park, Carlsbad KOA, we took off for Carlsbad Cavern NP to watch the bats leave the cave ("Mass Ascension"). Comment about the KOA.....if not the top KOA we've stayed in it's very very close. Beautiful park, great service and amenities, dinner and breakfast delivered to our site and what gorgeous sunrises.
We both enjoyed the Ranger program and watching the bats leave the cave for almost 3 hours. Needless to say we didn't get back to the RV park until late. We were up early and on our way back to the Caverns. Once we arrived at the visitors center we picked up our tickets and with our cameras & fanny pack we entered the caverns at the natural entrance and hiked down the main corridor to the Big Room. After touring the Big Room and about 3 hours after we started we took the elevators to the top.  WOW! if you haven't been there you need to go at least once. I would definitely go back, Carol now, I don't think so, she got a little claustrophobic. We took a break in the visitors center then I took off on a hike on a nature trail while Carol looked around and waited for me. We still had time to drive down to Guadalupe National Park after I returned from my hike. Nothing special except it's the highest point in Texas. We drove back to Carlsbad after visiting the visitor center
After returning to the RV park we had a great barbecue dinner at the park. What a great dinner and day.

I have so many photos of Carlsbad Caverns (over 200) it will take a while to edit and pick a few to post.

Looking up through the cavern opening we had just entered. The small white dot is the moon.
The remaining shots were taken in the Main Corridor or the Big Room.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carol--Glad you posted this blog site on FB so I can check it out. The descriptions are wonder and I am glad you are having a great time. Steve, you take great photos.
The description of the bats flying from the caves was super.