Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pecos National Historical Park

Our last day in Santa Fe Carol, Pam and I visited Pecos NHP and then we all went to the Santa Fe brewery and afterwards to the Cup de Ore in Eldorado village for dinner.
Pecos is an interesting site it is an era after Bandeleir and Mesa Verde. It has an old mission and the Santa Fe Trail was just south of the pueblos walls. Most of Pecos is still un-excavated. In addition to the mission and the Santa Fe trail, Pecos was a huge trading center for indians of the 4 corners region. The large meadow is still vacant where 100's of visiting indians would set up their teepee's and shelters. Pecos was permanent home to over 2000 residents. If you're in the area visit Pecos it is an enjoyable hour or two hike. The area has many artifacts and pottery sherds lying around,  take only photos and memories home with you.
Santa Fe brewery, needs some TLC, but they make several nice brews. My favorite, of course, is their dark Porter. They call it "State Pen Porter", since the NM state pen is with  in a few blocks. Can you just  imagine being behind those fences and being able to see the brewery everyday.......I'm surprised some group hasn't done something about this inhumane torture :)
Dinner at the Cup de Ore was delicious, very comfortable and  musical entertainment was an added bonus. Tomorrow Carol and I journey to Carlsbad, NM.

One of the several Kivas in the dwelling. This Kiva was top of the hill or dwelling and down below is the meadow where visiting Indians set up camps and separate communities.

The mission is just east of the dwelling. Although the mission and attached dwellings look like part of the Pecos Indians dwelling, it was separate.

A large bone I found at the dwelling along with a few pieces of pottery.

Another kiva with the roof rebuilt and ladder. The hill behind the kiva is all part of the dwelling but very little excavation has been done.

Rooms of the dwelling look down to the meadow and valley where the Santa Fe Trail traveled through.

Check back I have several photos of pottery I'll post but RV park we're staying has limited wifi.

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