Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, October 15, 2010

Durango, Co. 10-8

We left Albuquerque after a wonderful time, with many great memories. This is also where we parted ways with Bill & Metha. The four of us left for Durango, Bill and Metha left for Las Cruces, N.M..
On our way to Durango we stopped to visit the "Ghost Ranch", Georgia O'Keefe's home in New Mexico.
After our visit here we stopped at a little town called Tierra Amarilla for lunch. Margarita Comedor another great little restaurant with very authentic Mexican food. Everything was made locally and delicious.
After we arrived in Durango we got set up then went downtown purchased our tickets for our train ride to Silverton and back and then just strolled main street.

Georgia O'Keefe has a painting of this flower. With my photo software I've tried to make this look like a painting.

The highway is shut down to bring sheep down from the San Juan Mountains

The retaurant we ate at in Tierra Amarilla.

The rugged San Jaun Mountains.

Chimney Rock, just passed Pagosa Springs, Co.

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