Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Durango, Pueblo, Laramie, Buffalo, Billings then home.

We left Durango and headed north. It certainly is a beautiful drive through Pagosa Springs and over Wolf Creek Pass. We decided to stay at the KOA in Colorado City and after we were set up found a very nice  little out of the way restaurant. This would be our final evening together and after 5 weeks we were parting ways tomorrow. We had a great time and enjoyed traveling with W & Pam and can't wait for Nashville.
Wednesday, Carol and I drove to Laramie and had a fun evening with Chris and Dave. I can now say I've been in the Buckhorn Bar.
The next morning we left for Buffalo. After arriving and setting up we enjoyed a good dinner in downtown Buffalo and then spent the evening at the Occidental Hotel.......WOW! if you're in Buffalo, Wyoming on a Thursday night head to the Occidental Hotel. What a wonderful evening visiting and listening to good live music.
We spent the next two nights in Billings. Dinner with Ryan, Tricia & Drew and then Saturday night Carol and I watched Drew so Ryan and Tricia could go to dinner and a movie. Drew is growing up fast.
Sunday morning we left Billings and headed for home. It's nice to get home but I'm certainly going to miss our traveling companions and our "Big Adventure".
Check back every now & then for more posts. I won't be posting much until we hit the road again next Spring.

The photos below are assorted fun photos.

Me and Billie the Kid in New Mexico

Pam, you think anyone will listen?
Nice hat there W.

No kidding, the burrito was this long.

Who is the strange person with Pam?

Mary checking out the Dutch ovens.

The whole crew on a hike at Bandelier.

Windsor at Philmont Boy Scout Ranch 

Nice coat's only 80 degrees outside.

Carol...Carol....? is that you?

Bill's new ventilation system on his truck.

Aren't we close to Roswell?......those could be UFO's

A little wine anyone?

I don't think you two get the private car to Silverton.

Pam caught me with my flute.

Just take a good look at the size of those Margaritas, glad I wasn't driving.

Heck I'm not driving...let me just sneak in a quick nap here.
Hot time at the Occidental Hotel in Buffalo, Wyoming.
We were told the guy with the fiddle used to play with Grandpa Jones--very good! We heard songs like "Drivin Nails In My Coffin Over You", "My Dixie Darlin" to ""Blue Moon Of Kentucky" & more, what a great time.
Carol's new dance partner. I believe this ole guy is 96, lives at the Vets home. He never sat down the entire evening.

THE END!........for now.

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