Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011 Spring Trip - The birthday party

We're off on another adventure. Pulling out of the driveway at home we were both ready to go. Our first stop is Billings, Mt. for a couple of days. The drive to Billings was an experience in Montana spring weather, a little bit of sun(very little), rain, wind, snow and blizzard.

Thr truck an the Creek(our home) were nice and clean when we left, by the time we got to Billings it looked like we had just left hunting camp.
 Ryan and Tricia rented a "Kids Playhouse" facility for Drew's birthday party, very nice. Made me wish I was a kid again.
 Dads were having as much fun as the kids.
 Huge padded building blocks for building and tearing down.
 Drew's birthday cake......the theme....."Cars"
 Kane and Naomi's little princess having fun at the party.
 But Grandpa!......I don't want my picture taken.
 Pizza, cake and ice cream.........what else do you need?
 Grandma helping with the cake & ice cream.
 Drew and one of his buddies checking out the new goodies.
 Drew has this figured out. Cute little girl driving me around the playhouse.

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