Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another beautiful Yellowstone day

These are assorted shots from the last couple of days. My next post will be on waterfalls, check it out. Upper, Lower Falls on the Grand Canyon and Tower Falls are the most publicized but I'll post my favorites along with these.

 Hot water flowing into the Firehole River at the bridge going into Biscuit Basin. Photo was shot at 1 second shutter speed.
 Two Oceans Lake on the continental divide. Half of the lake flows east and the other half to the west. Actually the lily pads and reflections of the old trees caught my eye.
 Coyote after field mice. Lucky he doesn't live in my neighborhood.
Walking along the upper reaches of the Gibbon River and I spotted these 3 cutthroat trout lined up by size. Look close the smallest is to the left. There is also a 4th on the right side of photo, looks u shaped. These are native cutthroats.

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