Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Glacier National Park 10-18-11

After the fog burned off it was a gorgeous day in GNP. I hiked up Synder, Sprague Creeks a ways, walked along McDonald Creek and about half way to Avalanche Lake.
Click on photos to view in a larger size.

 McDonald Lake
 Colorful rocks in McDonald Creek.
 Along the trail to Avalanche Lake, surrounded by trees and the sound of rushing water.
 Avalanche Creek at the gorge. I've always photographed the gorge when it was wild with water. This was interesting with all the different shapes and colors.
 Synder Creek
 Walking along the creek I looked down and saw this rotting piece of wood covered in moss, the golden leaves of Fall with the water. I thought it made an interesting shot.
 Upper Sprague Creek
 Synder Creek just above Lake McDonald
Sprague Creek.

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