Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18th - Kansas City

The weather has been very wet and windy. Last night the thunder was so loud, it sounded like someone was right outside with a cannon. I believe the drought is over in the Midwest. Even with the terrible weather we have had a great time with our friends from the area.
Carol and I went to a movie this afternoon, "42", wonderful movie, great story. Harrison Ford was great playing Branch Rickey.
On our way to Memphis tomorrow.

Coming into Kansas City

New Cedar Creeks at Nationwide RV in Grain Valley.

Our site at KOA in Oak Grove.

Blossoms on Bradford Pear tree

Dinner at Zarda's

A visit to Bass Pro during a rain deluge. Almost purchased a couple of life vests

"The Best Onion Rings" according to Carol.

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