Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 2 - Hermitage

Thursday afternoon we visited and toured The Hermitage, Andrew Jackson's home. What a beautiful mansion, park and tour. If you go pay for the audio tour. It is well worth the additional price. Jackson purchased the acreage in 1804 and in 1821 the Hermitage was completed enough for the Jackson's to move in from their modest log home. Jackson left for Washington in 1829 and after 2 terms as President he returned in 1837 and died here in 1845. Jackson his wife Rachel rest under a tomb at Hermitage.

Looking through the trees as we approach the front of the mansion.

The front of the Mansion, I can feel the history. 

 The front porch, I'm just imagining who crossed through this door.

The smoke house

Smoke house on the right the kitchen on the left. The kitchen was built separate of the mansion after a fire in 1834.

Different size bells at the back of the mansion to ring for servants (slaves).

One of the several cabins that were quarters for slaves.

Cool, clear water still comes from spring on the property. Water was carried to the mansion by the slaves.

Nice little trail I enjoyed through the trees at the bottom of the property

Cabin the Jacksons lived in until the mansion was completed. It later became quarters for slaves.

Back of the mansion.

On the trail.

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