Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saturday, May 17

Goshen, Indiana - Cedar Creek Rally

Today was cloudy and cool, sounds like starting tomorrow the weather is supposed to start warming up. Plans for today included Techncal Day, Flea Market and pot luck dinner.
Technical day consisited of vendors set up in the club hall with their displays and each held a presentation and Q & A and of course offered special "rally" prices and/or installation.
Flea market, offered members an opportunity to sell crafts or items they had for sale to fellow members. There was some nice items but we didn't buy anything.
The potluck was fantastic, so much food and it was all delicious. We had a brief meeting on next years rally and each director talked to the group about their upcoming chapter rally. Ours we have scheduled for Montrose, Co. in September but may change it to someplace closer to home if we don't have any Mountain Chapter members sign up. The price of diesel is impacting everyone's plans.
A few members are leaving tomorrow, Carol and I will be here until next Saturday and then we leave for Kentucky.

The Mor/ryde vendor set up in the club hall on Tech day. Getting ready for the feast.
Look who is at the front of the line
Picture of the Cedar Creek Rally group.

1 comment:

58readytotravel said...

Hey now, as I recall, you and Mark were ahead of us in the line. You guys loaded your plates so full that you got the line bogged down! LOL Thanks for the photos. Hope things go well for you guys at the factory.