Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glacier Park in July

July 17th we spent the day in Glacier Park with Tonya and the boys, Aidan, Cooper and Noah. These photos I shot on our hike into and back from Avalanche Lake. About 6 miles round trip. The key to enjoyable hiking in Glacier is, take your time. You miss so much if you don't spend time to look. Along the trail with the sun peeking through the cedars.
Avalanche Creek, be sure of your footing around the creek.

It's amazing the beauty we have right in our back yard.

Tonya and the boys at Avalanche Lake.
Aidan & Cooper flirting with the chance of slipping into the lake.
WOW! Has to be one of my favorite photos of Tonya. When you need a break come to this rock at Avalanche Lake.
Mountain peaks to the north of the trail out of Avalanche.
This shot I laid down amongst the cedar trees, my subject was the sun breaking through the trees.
Another view looking north of trail coming out, Avalanche Creek is in the valley at the bottom photo.
A small creek flowing through the trees, surrounded by moss and lichen that covers the forest floor.
Avalanche Creek Canyon.

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