Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Olympic National Park - Rialto Beach

Our visit and hike along Rialto Beach will be something we won't forget. The drive from Port Angeles was maybe an hour and half but it's such a beautiful drive it could have been longer. When we arrived it was very foggy, which we later learn this was "ocean air" and the tide was coming in. As the tide started to go out, about 3:00 PM, the skies("ocean air") started to clear. We met a wonderful gentleman that walks the beach everyday with his dog (a Sheltie), he's a retired geologist and worked on the Pacific Rim with the USGS. He walked about half way with us on our hike and we both now have a better appreciation for and understanding of the nature of the ocean, particularly this beach and this area's ecosystem. He was amazing and it was free. Never judge people until you have walked & talked with them, thanks Larry!

Carol at the beach. I was glad she wore that pink jacket, it was easier to see her. These monster trees Carol and I are standing next to were all over the beach. Some are from the shoreline and some come down from the rivers, the ocean waves and high tides push them up onto the shore. Because this is a National Park they can't be harvested.

Here I am walking along the beach, Larry is up in front of me. Whenever he found something interesting he would stop and explain it to us. Different rock formations in the shoreline, pieces off an old ship wreck, tide changes, counting the waves( the 11th wave is always the highest) and much more.
Along the beach to "Hole-in-the-Wall a 4.6 mile hike.

Our footprints in the sand.
Carol and I decided to eat dinner in La Push, Wa., a fishing village just south of Rialto Beach across the Quillayute River. The only restaurant was in this old ramshackled building built over the water. The food, well let's just say it was food, however we did get to view this beautiful sunset, we were both glad we stayed.

Both of these shots were from the same area, one has a seagull flying in it. The top one is the actual view, the bottom one I used my software to brighten up the sky which in turn made the water a more blue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW--what a fantastic beach walk! These pictures are awesome! My favorite is the "footsteps in the sand" and the sunset! Those trees are huge! Didn't know this area even existed. Thanks for posting your adventures. What a great trip! Pam & W