Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Friday, October 15, 2010

Durango, Co. 10-10-10

Our tickets for the train were for Sunday, 10-10, so we spent most of Saturday looking and shopping in ( it seemed like) every store in Durango. I will say, we had a very good lunch and cool beverages at the Steamworks Brewery. 
Sunday we were up early and at the train station in plenty of time. With jackets, tickets and cameras in hand we boarded for our trip to Silverton. The trip this year was a little later than our trip a couple of years ago so I feel the colors were more brilliant with the Aspens and other trees and plants in Fall colors. After 3 hours we arrived in Silverton, we had time for lunch and a little shopping. We boarded back up at 2:30 PM and headed back to Durango. What a beautiful day and wonderful experience on the D&S Narrow Gauge.. Carol and I have made this trip twice now and it was just as enjoyable the second time as the first.

Windsor, Pam and Carol at Silverton standing in front of our "Iron Horse".

Main street in Silverton.

Leaving Silverton.

Our train heading around one of the many curves.

Jungles of Aspens groves were everywhere.

Heading back to Durango.

Carol got this shot when our engineer released steam from the boiler and created this nice rainbow.

1 comment:

Diane and Mark said...

Great pictures! We've got to visit there one of these years.