Steve & Carol

Steve & Carol
Above Soda Canyon in Mesa Verde National Park

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Grant's Home and Clydesdales

We decided to stay in St. Louis for an extra day, no tornados in the forecast. Carol wanted to get some laundry done and I could just take a day to try and get rid of this darn cold I picked up in DC.
I thoroughly enjoyed Grants' farm, I've read so much about the Dent family farm in books and studies of Grant it was nice to actually visit and walk the hallways, floors and grounds he once walked.
After Grant's farm we went to visit the Clydesdales. Clydesdales visitor center is not open on Mondays, geez I've heard that before on our trip.

Actually this photo should have been on my last post. Saw this guy chasing something in the grass, couldn't resist a few shots

The front of Ulysses and Julia Grant's home

Just let me sit there for awhile. 

The back of the house and what once was the slaves quarters.

Side of the house

Julia and General Grant's buggy
Portraits of Julia and Ulysses Grant
Grant's stars he received from Lincoln after Vicksburg

Home of the Clydedales

Enjoying the shade

Young Clydesdales or trainees

Big Boy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures Steve. Love your commentary about the pictures & events leading up to each event. This is a lot of work & you have done one wonderful job of documenting our Spring 2013 travel journal!!! Thanks for your commitment to do this.